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2024 Benue State Q4 BPR UPDATED+CN CR/Benue State BPR3 for 2024 QTR4
27 January, 2025 by Administrator
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Facilitating and coordinating the formulation and implementation of plans, policies and budgets for the balanced development of the state by working with ministries, departments, agencies, citizen groups, the private sector and external partners.
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Our Functions
We set State priorities and goals in the context of national priorities and goals and engender consensus among government agencies, corporate bodies and workers unions in support and accomplishment of such priorities and goals as may be contained in guidelines issued by the Commission.
We receive from each State Ministry, parastatals or Local Government, imputes on its development plans, consider and advise on its development plan of such duration as may be specified by the Commission for economic development of the area covered by such Ministry, Parastatal or Local Government.
We attract development resources from donor agencies by assisting State Ministries, Departments and Local Governments to package their proposals in the form most acceptable to such agencies and ensure that any capital or other resources so secured are utilised for their intended purpose.
We advise on changes and adjustments in institutions and management techniques as well as attitudes necessary for the alignment of actions and plans with targets and goals.
We undertake periodic review and appraisal of the human and material resource capacities of the State with a view to advancing their development, efficiency and utilisation.
We identify the basic needs of the people at the grassroots and formulate and coordinate development programmes which shall apply to the various Local Governments of the State.
We liaise with the private sector, labour unions, universities, research institutions and non-governmental organisations for effective planning development.
We prepare and control capital budgets and set broad guidelines for recurrent budgets, we also monitor projects and progress relating to plan implementation.
We carry out any other activity which in the opinion of the Commission, is necessary or incidental to the due discharge of its functions under the law.
We mobilise popular group and institutional consensus in support of Government policies and programmes.
We coordinate unilateral and bilateral economic cooperation, including development and technical assistance.
We provide the secretariat for the State Human Resource Committee and the State Income, Price and Productivity Committee.
We attend the meetings of the following planning bodies: National Economic Council, Conference of the Ministers and Commissioners responsible for economic matters, and Joint Planning Board and National Council on Development Planning (NCDP).